Top Books Dentists Recommend for Young Children

How to Keep Your Teen’s Teeth Healthy What is a "Dental Home" and Why is Important for Your Child?

Raising young children is a full-time job, and as a parent, your child’s health and happiness is your top priority. Taking care of your children’s teeth can be confusing, and sometimes frustrating. But, don’t lose all hope, these books can help young children learn about their teeth, and grow to enjoy taking care of them. 

Brush Your Teeth, Please 

This fun book teaches children about proper dental hygiene through beautiful, animal popups. The book features a lion brushing his teeth, a shark flossing, and has interactive, moving elements that kids love. Your child will enjoy reading this popup book, and learning about proper oral care from some of their favorite animals. 

Bear’s Loose Tooth 

Losing a tooth can be a hard experience for a child, but “Bear’s Loose Tooth” teaches children that losing a tooth isn’t all that bad. This book is easy to read for children, and is written in an extended nursery rhyme – making it fun for parents to read aloud with their kids.

Sugar Bugs

Sugar Bugs is a fantastic, educational book that teaches kids about how sugar can harm teeth, and how to avoid the nasty sugar bugs! This book covers the importance of a healthy diet, and how a dentist can help keep sugar bugs away! It’s a light-hearted and fun way to introduce children to cavities and proper oral health. 

You Think It’s Easy Being the Tooth Fairy? 

Have your kids ever wondered how the tooth fairy visits kids all over the world to exchange treats for teeth? Well, this book tells all about how the tooth fairy finds kids with missing teeth, and what she does with all of those extra teeth. This book does a great job of helping kids accept losing a tooth, and normalizes what can be a painful experience.

What to Expect When You Go to the Dentist

A lot of children experience quite a bit of anxiety when they first visit the dentist, and this books seeks to help with that. “What to Expect When You Go to the Dentist” teaches children about the dentist’s job, and helps children overcome their fear of visiting the dentist. This book does a great job of explaining dental tools, and the importance of regular dental checkups.

Treat Your Children to Healthy Teeth

Schedule an appointment with our office so that we can evaluate your child’s oral health. We are trained to see children of all ages, and would be happy to provide you with helpful advice on how to keep your children’s teeth healthy at home.