Summer Treats for Healthy Teeth Building Blocks for a Healthy Grown-Up Smile
There are a few more weeks until Summer begins but we just can’t wait!
At Berry's Children Dental we like to kick off our summer every year with our Annual Patient Appreciation Day. It's an office cookout in our office parking lot that is celebrated with our patients and parents with music, food, games, rides, and giveaways. Because of the pandemic we have not had this event in 3 years. This year's Patient Appreciation Event is special to us and will be held on June 18th, 2022, from 12pm-3pm.
Other than celebrating our patients, Dr. Berry likes to go outdoors to exercise. Not only does she love to just be outside, but she also enjoys walking around and biking with her family. Some of the parks that they enjoy visiting include Watkins Park and Cosco Regional Park.
Another exciting event happening this summer is Dr. Berry’s 45th birthday! This year, Dr. Berry will be taking a trip back home to New York and celebrating with her family and long-lost friends that she hasn’t seen in many years.
June not only brings us the start of summer, but we get to enjoy the start of the warm season with fresh fruits and vegetables for National Fresh Fruits and Vegetables month!
One of Dr. Berry’s favorite fresh treats includes bananas, blueberries, and spinach smoothies. With her bananas she also enjoys making Banana Pudding with fresh bananas.
We are so excited to see what this summer brings us as well as celebrate with all of our amazing patients at the Annual Patient Appreciation Day. We hope you can make it out and if not, we will see you at your next appointment.